When you are a small business owner, getting higher visibility is the first thing that you would look for your venture. The internet has made the playing field more or less even for various types of businesses, although smaller businesses lack the budget for more aggressive promotions. This is why SEO for small business has to be more focused, targeted and specific, with a no-frills approach to reduce costs and wastage of time. Read on and find out what type of SEO strategies you should implement for your small enterprise.

Go local

If you have a local business, such as an eatery or a flower shop, it is better to concentrate more on local SEO. Chances are that people will search more for a local service provider when they are searching for businesses such as yours. With local SEO strategies and listings on Yellow Pages, Bing, Yahoo Pages, Google etc, you can put your business in the notice of local customers and give your venture a big push. This will lead to faster profits and more local orders.

Use targeted posts on social media platforms

Social networking websites come free, and SEO for small business has to comprise of this fantastic marketing platform which mostly comes for free. As a small business owner, you will probably like to cut costs and save every dollar possible on advertising expenses. You are least likely to have a big marketing budget in the first place. With Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and other free social sites being used 24/7 by users, there is a higher chance of being found through social websites than local listings these days. By targeting posts towards your own local community, you can get better responses

Get local backlinks

Strive on getting backlinks from websites and blogs which have a local presence. You can buy backlinks from them or exchange links to be on top of your game. For instance, if you have a flower shop or restaurant, you can exchange links with websites of related local businesses such as wedding photographers, event planners or decorators. This is a good way to mutually benefit each other and make a solid plan to get long-term benefits.

Try Social Media Marketing (SMM)

SMM includes optimal use of marketing potential with features like business pages, contests, paid advertisements and more on social websites. It is a good idea to concentrate on specific social sites such as Twitter or Facebook for the purpose of marketing, in order to advertise your business online. Most of the marketing strategies on social media come free or at a very low cost, as compared to offline marketing techniques.


Use PPC ads

This is one of the best ways to target and attract the attention of your local community. With geo-targeted pay per click campaigns, you can run ads which target particular areas in your locality and exclude people who are not from these areas. This will help you to get more targeted consumers and avoid wastage of time, efforts and money.


5 Types of Strategies to Use for SEO for Small Business