Pinterest is different from other social media networks due to its visual nature and the inability to communicate directly with other members like you can on Facebook and Twitter. But, there are ways to maximize the social elements of Pinterest.

* Add a Pinterest Share Button on Your Website: Every image on your website should be able to be easily pinned and shared.

* Add the Pinterest Follow Button to Your Website: The follow button will enable people to follow you on Pinterest from your website.

* Add the Pinterest Follow Button to Your Facebook Page: You can add a link to Pinterest via your Facebook page by adding a Pinterest tab.

Link to add tab –

* Add the Pinterest Profile Widget to Your Website : This will show a small version of a few of your boards, which will encourage people to click.

* Build an App with the Pinterest Profile Widget Included : You can build Android or iOS apps and include the profile widget in them.

Link to Pinterest profile widget –

* Share, Share, Share and Share Some More : It’s imperative that you share your own things on Pinterest from your website or blog, but you should also share other people’s pins, boards, and profiles.

* Comment on Other Pins, Especially the Popular Ones : When you comment on something, people can click through and see your boards. Make useful comments and you’ll get a lot of good connections.

Link to popular pins –

* Mention Others within Descriptions of Your Pins : A great way to connect with people on Pinterest is to mention them by name and tag them in a pin or board’s description area.

* Mention Others in the Comments Area : You can’t directly talk to people on Pinterest in the way you can on other social media platforms, but you can tag them in the comments section of a pin.

* Find and Invite Friends from Other Social Networks : Pinterest has a tool that enables you to find your friends on Pinterest based on your email address. Use that tool to find and immediately follow your friends and invite them to connect with you.

* Promote Your Boards to Get People to Follow : People tend to follow boards more than entire profiles on Pinterest, so promote individual boards rather than your profile.

* Follow Other People’s Boards : Find boards that your audience would like and enjoy but that aren’t direct competition, and then follow them.

* Follow People Back When They Follow You : Don’t be picky about who you follow if they follow you first. The fact is, if they like your boards, then their friends may too. Like them back.

* Have Contests : Everyone loves winning, and if you have a contest you can get a lot more connections and activity if the prize is good. There are apps to help you run a profitable Pinterest contest that you can use to make it easier.


Link to Pinterest contest app –

Social media networks are made for social interaction. Don’t just make boards and pin things without interacting with people who connect with you, or people with whom you want to connect. The more you engage with others, the more you’ll get from your participation on Pinterest.

Maximizing the Social Elements of Pinterest