If you have considered earning money online but haven’t yet started, you are making a mistake. In the past, people used their blogs more as a personal expression of themselves and their emotions. Today, people who blog are making serious money. The following ideas will help you make money blogging.
Partner with companies – As mentioned above, some bloggers will use their website as commercial ad space for other companies to promote their wares or services. Selling products or services to readers is one of the most popular ways people make money blogging. The blog’s audience has to sign up for Google AdSense or other similar programs for this method. You need to carefully choose your topic to avoid getting too far ahead of your competitors. If you’re not sure, make sure you check out other successful blogs to get an idea of what kinds of topics are best sellers.
Sell sponsored posts: If you have a talent for making insightful and interesting articles, an excellent way to make money blogging is to sell sponsored posts. A sponsored post describes an article that belongs to a company or person that you are associated with. You can do this through social media, such as Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube. For example, a company can put a small branding message on your blog, and then you would earn a commission when a visitor to your blog clicks on the link. Many blogging networks also let you advertise your products through sponsored posts.
Sell speaking gigs: Most of the big-time blogging sites offer speaking gigs where you can talk to various readers. When people search for information about a particular topic, they often type in “speaking gigs” to see who is hiring. One of the advantages of selling your consulting skills is that it can give you a broader audience to draw from. It’s essential to make sure that you position yourself as a professional who can solve problems. Many of your readers may not be able to hire you, but if you position yourself as someone who can help them solve their problems, many times they will.
Advertise on social media: As with selling affiliate products, another way to make money blogging is to advertise on social media platforms. Social media platforms include Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Again, it’s crucial to position yourself as a credible expert on the subject matter that you’re writing about. This technique can help you make comments that encourage your readers to contact you with questions. In addition, this will encourage you to make more sales because you will be perceived as an authority figure.
Create ebooks: Many bloggers are creating successful books and are published online. Writing an ebook is similar to creating a blog post, but instead of posting it to your site, you should publish it to an eBook store. There are many books available at these stores for a meager cost. You can also sell your books directly to your readers by creating an affiliate account with ClickBank and selling your ebooks.
Advertise consulting services: Many bloggers use another strategy to make money blogging by advertising their consulting services. For example, suppose you have a blog or website that offers consulting services or expertise on your topic. In that case, you can find clients by placing an ad on Google or Yahoo. These companies will pay you a commission based on the number of people that purchase the service through your advertising. Advertising your consulting services on sites like Craigslist can also be an excellent way to find a client base.
Sell exclusive content: You can make money blogging by selling your content. Many online companies will offer paid-for content in exchange for having a link back to your blog or website. For example, make money blogging about green living. You could place an ad on an environmental site that contains information on green living. The site would pay you for people reading the article and clicking on the link to your site. This method is a great way to make money blogging because you can build your list of customers while earning a high rate from the advertisers.